Shattered Paradise exposes the satanic hidden agenda in today's society. New World Order Exposed
Thousands are Taking to NYC Streets to Celebrate World Pride
Jun 30, 2019
New York City's WorldPride March drew thousands Sunday decked in rainbow colors to Fifth Avenue in a blockbuster celebration of the LGBTQ community. The march is the largest in the world, topping off a month of rallies, parties and conferences honoring LGBTQ activism.
Thank you for visiting the site. We want to welcome you to Shattered Paradise Signs of the Times page.
We will be sharing current events that followers of Christ should be aware of so that we can use discernment to guide us through these treacherous times. This article is absolutely in your face. The satanic NWO agenda is not hiding with the title "One World, One Pride".
As we all know pride comes before the fall so as watchmen we are sounding the alarm and warning everyone we can to get right with God. Repent and get your house in order, we are in the last days. Resist the devil and he will flee!
Thank you for visiting the site. We want to welcome you to Shattered Paradise Signs of the Times page.
We will be sharing current events that followers of Christ should be aware of so that we can use discernment to guide us through these treacherous times. This article is absolutely in your face. The satanic NWO agenda is not hiding with the title "One World, One Pride".
As we all know pride comes before the fall so as watchmen we are sounding the alarm and warning everyone we can to get right with God. Repent and get your house in order, we are in the last days. Resist the devil and he will flee!
God bless you and you all…